A blog on food, cooking, yoga, running, and life!

Friday, July 2, 2010

P-P-P-Possibility, Possibiliteeeeey

Silly title, I know, matching my grinning face and uplifted mood.  And there is lots to be happy about, as possibility has returned to my life in a wholly refreshing manner.  How does one come to realize the essence of possibility?  Well I'd like to share a moment I experienced today on my yoga mat in a wonderful class taught by the beaming yogini, Miss Jodi Petlin.  Today's class was a fundraiser for the Garden of a 1,000 Buddhas and their incredible project in Arlee, Montana.  The Dalai Lama has promised to make a special trip to Arlee, Montana to bless the gardens when all 1,000 Buddha statues have been erected.  The whole story is truly mind-blowing and a once-in-a-lifetime event.  More information can be found at http://www.ewam.org.  I also donated a cooking class for 4-6 people in their home for this fundraiser today. 

Anyway the yoga practice was a two hour class with an amazing cellist Lee Zimmerman.  This was my first class with live music being played and the connection between Lee and Jodi was spectacular.  Lee had an uncanny ability to tap into the energy of the room while his music drenched our mats and minds with soothing harmonies.  As I type these thoughts I see how much possibility plays a role in our daily lives and how easily we forget that each breath is truly a new moment to introduce possibility into our being.  I certainly would not have thought it possible that the Dalai Lama would travel to Arlee, Montana to bless a peace garden, his first ever visit to Montana.  Not to mention this garden is being built solely by donations from individuals, both monetarily and energetically, offering whatever each person has to give for this wonderful cause.  I am baffled and humbled by this project and the potential of seeing the Dalai Lama in person in the Jocko Valley.

Somehow, during the yoga practice, I remembered how brilliant possibility can be to our lives.  For the first time today I was able to do Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose) with a steady breath, balance, and expression!  Woohoo!  I guess my little yoga hiatus was good for my body because this pose always challenged me and I was unable to hold this pose until today!  And I could feel how much my body was opening throughout the practice and the possibilities of what is to come.  I sense that possibility can be an afterthought when routine, schedules, and commitments dominate our daily lives.  How grateful I am to recognize that each and every moment, of each and every day, is full of possibility.  It is up to us to rekindle our sensational appetite for possibility with enthusiasm and vigor.  The spirit loves to feed on our willingness to be open to the realm of possibility as we create a fulfilling way to experience our daily lives.  Possibility is everywhere, any time, any place, and dwells within any body.  Could it be possible the cellist, Lee Zimmerman, assisted with this realization today?
Anything is possible!  Just like the old saying goes, now more than ever, it seems to ring true.  I am open once again to the possibility of fulfilling my goals on any and all levels.

I was in tears at the end of the class today, as it was that moving.  Jodi told a story that literally had me crying, about how it is not how much give to somebody but how you give what you have to offer.  We all have something to offer each other and the importance lies in the consciousness in what we offer as a measurement of what we have to give.  Amounts, money, and numbers take a back seat when it comes to giving from a place of love and devotion.  Of course this also applies to the yoga practice, its the state of mind and the quality of the practice- not the quantity of practice or the ability to perfect certain poses.   Stepping on my mat felt like a magic carpet as I imagined the possibility of my mat floating along the waves of the universe reminding me that there are always waves to surf if I choose to paddle (breathe) and catch the feeling.  It is clear to me now that no ocean is needed to recognize the changing tides and the movement of the water.  This process is just life, for those of us who are alive; possibility moves like the wind breezing through tall grass, gently swaying with subtle sounds, ever so slight and soothing, calming the mind and connecting the heart to what is to come.

I intended on making this class today and I am thankful for the opportunity to attend it.  It was not easy to do, yet I was able to trust that everything would work out and it certainly did.  I intend on running tomorrow!  First time in a long time.  Cooking has been constant, fun, creative, and challenging.  We have a very busy weekend ahead of us, so running tomorrow will be epic to enjoy again.  A short run, without a doubt, as I can not afford to be injured during this busy time!  Still though, any run is better than no run, as I just learned that any yoga at all is better than none at all.  It doesn't have to be all or nothing, as possibility does not work that way.  Possibility knows how to compromise, how to be flexible, and how to accept things not according to plan.  People seem to struggle, at times, with these items, hence the forgotten essence of possibility.

Lastly, so far, we have raised over $3,500 for the St. Bernard Project!!  Talk about possibilities.  The seeds of hope, love, and support have been planted and we are beginning to grow a positive impact that can truly make a difference.  Check out the recent article in the local newspaper here:  http://www.flatheadbeacon.com/articles/article/helping_to_preserve_gulf_seafood_and_a_way_of_life/18408/

Enjoy!  And ask yourself, what possibilities are you connecting to lately?

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