A blog on food, cooking, yoga, running, and life!

Monday, June 7, 2010


I posted this photo because it amplifies exactly the space where my life resides at this very moment- full of reflections. Today feels like my last day of the off-season and there is plenty to reflect upon. Opening night for the summer season at the Restaurant is approaching quickly, like a distant swell on the horizon, soon I will be riding the wave of multitasking and "busy"ness. And just like surfing I can choose to balance the energy of the ocean and gracefully ride the wave, or succumb to its power and get tossed around like a sock in a washing machine. For better or worse I've been able to experience both, within this context the choice is fairly obvious. I prefer to be deep inside the barrel, with a wall of water crashing all around me, eyes fixed on the goal of surviving the swirling vortex by popping out back into the light. This, I have learned, is a challenge that leads to pure enjoyment through the intensity of what is happening around me. Make no mistake this is not easy to do, yet the beauty lies in the ability to make it look easy; so much so, that it becomes effortless.

Yes, I say, to reflections, for there were three rainbows I've witnessed since Thursday. If that is not worthy of reflection, then I am open to suggestions. I like how rainbows seem to happen when the sun, the moisture, and the observer is at the right angle, all in perfect alignment. To me rainbows are like a guide or signpost along the path of life. There is no doubt for me that I am in the right place at the right time when this brilliance occurs. I see this spectrum of color as a harmonious integration between earth and sky exemplified by the radiance of the sun. In other words, it is magic to me.

Menu ideas are beginning to surface as if they were hiding out below the water waiting for the right time to emerge. This season, now more than ever, feels like the opportunity to shine brightly within our program. Our staff looks outstanding and I have no doubt we are attracting like minded individuals who believe in what we are doing, while at the same time are poised to embrace the success we strive for both personally and professionally. This translates into a heightened experience for our guests and greater satisfaction for all involved. It is hard to imagine any limits with regards to what we are capable of producing.

I've made a pact with myself (thanks to Peg) to practice yoga everyday in June. I didn't actually practice yesterday, so I made up for it today by doing two separate sessions. I figured that counts since yoga doesn't necessarily recognize time or space. Plus, I can always manipulate the calender and claim that it was yesterday somewhere during my morning practice (so technically that counts, right?). Yoga is a lot like making mayonnaise by hand. It takes patience, dedication, mindfulness, strength, and experience, to be able to create a proper emulsion. I can make a mayonnaise so delicious you would want to eat it with a spoon. How that applies to yoga I'm still not sure, but I will keep you posted.

Lastly I finally went running again, this time only for two miles. My calves still hurt from this chi running style and my inaugural seven mile cadence. It's like training my body how to run all over again. I still believe it will pay dividends in the long term; however, for now I have to be content with being a novice who has little to no idea what is actually happening or supposed to happen. Actually, though, its refreshing to be feeling vulnerable. I've had to accept I'm not very good at certain things, one of which is chi running.

In closing, I am in reflecting on how wonderful this off-season has been. Full of good times, travel, growth, productivity, and relaxation, there has been no shortage of enjoyment in the last two months. I enjoy reflecting on what has taken place through the scope of hindsight. The essence of life is easy to reflect upon when one is looking back. As the unknown lies ahead it is good to know we can always reflect on life as it were, helping us to figure out what we wish it to be.

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