A blog on food, cooking, yoga, running, and life!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Bionic Spokompton Surgery

Hello everyone,

I am absolutely elated to report the Surgery went extremely well.  Everything looks good and I have been cleared to begin training for marathons starting tomorrow.  Only problem is I will not be able to put both feet on the pavement for a few months.  So it looks like I'll be visualizing a lot of my training.  In all seriousness, though, my range of motion has improved tremendously.  I could barely move my legs before this morning.  Now I can literally bend my knees enough to scratch my thighs, readjust my feet for comfort, and various other subtle additions.

It feels monumental to have accomplished what my journey to Spokane was all about.  The procedure was well executed, the team was undoubtedly professional, and the facilities of the Operating Room certainly makes up for the lack of luxury here in the hospital.  Having a stable pelvis and a new found movement with my legs makes up for all the trials endured regarding my travels here.

The morning began with me awaking around 8:05am or so.  I stayed in and out of a dazed state until I finally woke up around 8:25am.  It was 8:30am when I was informed I'd be going into surgery.  They would be showing up, in 10 to 15 minutes, to take me downstairs.  What a way to start the day!  I had zero idea this would be the case.  From there I was downstairs by 9:00am.  At 9:35am, I was in the Operating Room taking my last breaths of oxygen before heading to la la land.

It was about 11:30am when I came back to reality in the recovery room.  My teeth were rattling like crazy and my body was mildly convulsing.  They gave me some demerol to calm everything down.  I finally settled a bit and asked what time it was.  11:40 was the response from the nurse.  "What?!"  I knew I needed to get back upstairs, stat!  I shared this with the nurse with a tone of desperation.  She mentioned someone would be transporting me upstairs to my room in about 10 or 15 minutes.  So it wasn't until 12:05pm that I made it back to my room and quickly turned on the game I was dying to see, Barcelona vs. Arsenal in Champions League play (that's soccer for you laymen). 

I watched the game with tremendous interest and intensity.  Barca took a 1-0 lead, away from home, only to be reversed by Arsenal as the final score ended in 2-1 to Arsenal.  This is only the first of two legs, the next match will be played in Barcelona and the total aggregate over both legs will determine the winner and who advances.  In the event of a tie in the aggregate totals, the team with more away goals will advance.  So Barca leaving with an away goal is a positive result, so to speak, despite failing to convert several other chances.  My family enjoyed my colorful comments throughout the game, at least I think they did, as they were on hand for most of the second half.  It was pretty entertaining watching them trying to calm me down. 

At any rate, the rest of my afternoon went very well.  I actually have a new found pain where my incision was placed below my navel.   Apparently there are some staples down there too, so some exterior pain now exists.  Not to worry, however, I had enough drugs given to me today to operate a small town pharmacy.  I have been icing that area non-stop, trying to relieve the pain and reduce the swelling.  I also have a few brilliant yellow and purple bruises on my hips that look very attractive. 

Aside from all of that, I am feeling really good.  I am looking forward to tomorrow and measuring my new bionic body with some physical therapy.  They will be waning me off the button tomorrow and moving me towards oral medication for the rest of the recovery.  I have been celebrating this transition tonight with a few extra button pushes! 

It appears as though I will spend the next few months in a wheelchair.  I'll be able to put some pressure on my left leg which will allow me to pivot and put myself in and out of the wheelchair.  It is an exciting prospect indeed to be moving around once again!  I am hoping to return to Whitefish and North Valley as soon as this weekend to begin some of the rehab.  I will know more details about that very soon and I will most certainly post them on here.

It is very gratifying knowing I have an audience of loved ones supporting my progress and that all of you are reading this blog.  I love to write and its definitely a passion of mine.  I am grateful and honored to be able to share this experience with all of you.

With love, from the city of Spokompton,
andy (aka andouille)


  1. Hey Andy really happy to hear the surgery went well!

  2. Howdy, Andy. I'm following progress. Miss Purrill is being fed and petted, luckily she's used to being by herself. Let me know when you know what's going to become of you, we can fix up the house for wheelchair access if need be.

  3. Love that you had a game to be so hyped on immediately post-convulsive, post-major ass surgery! That's excellent.

  4. Awesome to hear andy! have a safe trip back to the fish.

  5. Just finished reading the past few posts. Glad to hear the surgery was a success. Stay strong my friend!

  6. Andy, you (or your followers) might enjoy this chef's posts. Good writing, good teaching:


  7. Andy, So glad to read your news about your surgery and your team!! You are a shining star. Sending healing thoughts your way daily. With Love, LJ

  8. Thanks for the updates Andy! Get well soon!

  9. Andy, you are an amazing young man with an attitude to match. There is no doubt that you will be well much sooner than anyone predicts! :-)

  10. Many thanks to you all.

    Skip- I will be in touch with you shortly. I should be back in North Valley fairly soon...
