A blog on food, cooking, yoga, running, and life!

Monday, February 14, 2011

New Developments are taking place

Hello dear friends.  Today is Monday, the time is just after noon, and I just received some challenging news.  I will be flown to Spokane, Washington, for surgery on my left pelvic area.  The surgery will take place on Wednesday or Thursday, I will be flying privately on a fixed wing plane.  Its difficult to accept the necessary procedure of performing surgery; yet at the same time this should alleviate a lot of unknowns regarding my condition, as well as stabilize my affected areas so that I may heal a little quicker and more properly.

Last night and this morning were extremely long and arduous.  I was receiving tests every hour to evaluate my condition.  The concern was the internal bleeding and the source of where it was coming from.  I received a total of about 1400ml of blood from a transfusion.  It is interesting to know you are receiving somebody else's blood, especially close to two wine bottles worth of reduced, concentrated blood.  I imagine the person's blood to be a strong, healthy, and intelligent person, so that this new blood will make me stronger and more complete.  I then imagine myself having more wisdom as a result of this transfusion :)

My dreams were full of randomness and chaos.  Sleep is a relative term when reduced to one position in a hospital and limited pain medication.  It reminds me of the time I took a Greyhound bus from Whitefish, MT to New York City (round trip).  Each leg takes three days AND three nights.  The nights are the hardest parts of a greyhound trip.  The hospital isn't quite as intense as the Greyhound bus or anything, but the nights do last a LOT longer than the days.  A combination of no visitors and extreme soreness, limited movement, etc.. all add up to a long night. 

So the music on my ipod helps soothe the challenges of the long nights.  I feel transported when I can immerse in the sound of my favorite tunes. 

It is now 9:50pm and I am finishing my blog post.  It was an eventful day and the details of flying to Spokane are set.  I leave at 8am and will be getting in an ambulance, then flying to Spokane.  I guess I am excited about flying privately again.  Maybe I can get a picture or two of the flight and can post them here some time while I am in Spokompton.  I will be sad to leave this wonderful hospital, it gives new meaning to the word "hospitable" as the staff here are incredibly friendly, professional, and welcoming.  I do not know how long I will be in Spokane, although I do know it will only be my family there to visit me.  I will probably not know the staff as well as I do know them here.

I am hoping to return to this hospital to spend part of my recovery.  It doesn't feel like an actual hospital.  It feels a little like a vacation.  It sounds strange, but its true.  My breathing is still my anchor to my core, and I am thankful for those in my life who have reminded me to connect to this valuable source of life.  I recommend you all to do the same :)

With love


  1. Good luck with the flight and surgery andy. your positive outlook, despite the hand dealt to you, is an inspiration. i look forward to the next blog entry.

  2. Many, many OMs to you. We hold you in our thoughts,prayers and practice. YogaHeart is missing you.

  3. Ande' - we are so grateful to know that you're in good hands (and spirits) up there. while going through this excrutiating experience, you take the time to blog... to share your thoughts and emotions so eloquently with your family of friends. though the distance is great, know that we are really close. iko, iko we love you! jen & wendy

  4. Ryan: thanks brother :)

    Bonnie: Namaste and Love

    Jen/Wendy: Jackomo-feena-ah-nah-nay, jackomo feena nay and talkin bout Hey Now! LOVE
